By Daily Bites contest you agree with the terms and conditions below.
1. You can submit any number of posts for the particular daily Word.
2. By posting with Word Hashtag you will automatically consider as a participant of that day contest.
3. Post should include Word or Meaning of word.
4. You can post anything like poems, stories, Haiku, Short Story, Photo, Video, etc.
5. You must have to include Text into the post if you are posting with a photo, quote or video.
6. Post should be posted from Mobile Application only.
7. Winner will be decided on the basis of total likes received.
8. There will be 1 winner in each available language on the matrubharti platform.
9. Winner Will be declared on the next day of the Particular Word Contest.
10. Particular Word Contest time span is 24 hours of that day.
11. Winning the Amazon Voucher prize amount is the same as mentioned on the Matrubharti App bite contest page.
12. Winner will get Amazon Voucher in the next 7 business working days.
13. If in case we found any user doing unethical practice on this contest, he or she will be permanently terminated from the contest.
14. Matrubharti has all rights to Change, Update or Terminate this Content any time without further notice to it’s participants or contest users.
15. Users are suggested to visit this page frequently to check for updates.